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In this study, the differences in annual rainstorm changes in the Second Songhua River Basin and the Nenjiang River basin and their causes were compared from the perspective of mountain effects. The following results were drawn: (1) Altitude effect is the primary factor leading to increased rainstorms in the southern source; (2) Slope effect primarily leads to differences of the weather systems in the two sources, and thus cause the difference of the rainstorms; (3) Slope effect is responsible for the greater fluctuation in the observed floods in the southern source. These landform differences eventually lead to the differences in the characteristics of floods in the southern and northern sources. Commensurability method was used to identify the period of rainstorms in the southern and northern sources. The results showed that although rainstorms do not appear at the same time in the two sources they are characteristic of a 10 years’ period in both areas. These results can serve as hydrological references for flood control and long-term flood disaster predictions.  相似文献   
风暴相对螺旋度与强对流天气类型的关系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对风暴相对螺旋度(SRH)的定义进行了介绍。通过对2007-2008年石家庄地区27次强对流天气过程进行了统计分析,找出短时暴雨、冰雹、大风任意组合时高、低层SRH的不同特征,得到不同天气现象的预报指标,并利用2009年的几次强对流天气过程进行了验证。结果表明:出现短时暴雨时,SRH经常连续较长时间为正值,但数值较小,SRH也是以正值为主;伴有冰雹或者大风时,SRH、SRH的差值迅速增大,SRH可达到100m2•s-2或以上。  相似文献   
本文根据搭载于Cluster卫星的CIS/CODIF和RAPID仪器的观测数据,统计研究了等离子体片中的H+、O+离子在磁暴期间的时间变化特性,及其对太阳风条件的响应.观测结果表明:(1) 磁暴开始前,O+离子(0~40 keV)数密度保持在较低水平.随着磁暴的发展,O+数密度缓慢上升,其峰值出现在Dst极小值附近;H+离子(0~40 keV)数密度在磁暴开始之前的较短时间迅速增加并达到峰值,在磁暴开始之后迅速降低,并在整个主相和恢复相期间保持在相对较低水平.更高能量的离子则在磁暴开始后迅速增多,并在低能O+离子达到峰值之前达到峰值.因此我们推测磁暴初期从等离子体片注入环电流的主要是H+离子,主相后期O+离子可能扮演更为重要的角色.(2)在地磁活动时期,太阳风密度和动压强与等离子体片中的H+、O+数密度存在一定相关性.等离子体片中的H+离子对北向IMF Bz较为敏感,而IMF Bz南向条件下更有利于太阳风参数对等离子体片中O+数密度的影响.在地磁活动平静期,太阳风条件对等离子体片中的离子没有明显影响.  相似文献   
The dynamics of sediment transport in the East Frisian Wadden Sea are important for the coastal zone and for ecosystem functioning. The tidal inlets between the East Frisian islands connect the back-barrier intertidal flats to the North Sea. Here, concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the water column are highly variable, depending on weather conditions and tides. In order to estimate the nature and quantity of sediment transport, in situ measurements were carried out at a Time Series Station in the tidal inlet between the islands of Spiekeroog and Langeoog. This study shows the suitability of multispectral transmissometry (MST) for obtaining long-term SPM measurements with high resolution. The comparability of this technique to the standard filter method and the laser diffraction method [laser in situ scattering and transmissometry (LISST)] is demonstrated. In addition, the Junge coefficients derived from both MST and LISST measurements are compared. A time series of SPM data covering nearly 4 months is presented. As a major result, the data reveal that a single storm surge can have less impact on SPM dynamics than longer-lasting gales. This high-resolution long-term data set is very valuable for modelling suspended matter flux. It also provides background information for studying the influence of SPM dynamics on coastal sediments.  相似文献   
A derived distribution approach is developed for flood prediction in poorly gauged basins. This couples information on the expected storm scaling, condensed into Depth Duration Frequency curves, with soil abstractions modeled using Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method and hydrological response through Nash’s Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph. A simplified framework is given to evaluate critical duration for flood design. Antecedent moisture condition distribution is included. The method is tested on 16 poorly gauged Mediterranean watersheds in Tyrrhenian Liguria, North Western Italy, belonging to a homogeneous hydrological regions. The derived flood distribution is compared to the regional one, currently adopted for flood design. The evaluation of Curve Number is critical for peak flood evaluation and needs to be carefully carried out. This can be done including local Annual Flood Series data in the estimation of the derived distribution, so gathering the greatest available information. However, Curve Number influence decreases for the highest return periods. When considerable return periods are required for flood design and few years of data are available, the derived distribution provides more accurate estimates than the approach based on single site distribution fitting. A strategy based on data availability for application of the approach is then given. The proposed methodology contributes to the ongoing discussion concerning PUB (Prediction in Ungauged Basins) decade of the IAHS association and can be used by researchers and practitioners for those sites where no flood data, or only a few, are available, provided precipitation data and land use information are at hand.  相似文献   
一次罕见飑前强降雹超级单体风暴特征分析   总被引:29,自引:14,他引:15  
戴建华  陶岚  丁杨  王元  陈雷 《气象学报》2012,70(4):609-627
2009年6月5日,受一个飑线前超级单体雷暴的影响,上海部分地区出现了直径25—30mm的冰雹,随后,飑线尾随该超级单体扫过上海,造成大风、雷电和强降水天气。基于常规天气观测、多普勒天气雷达、风廓线仪和自动气象站等资料分析发现,该超级单体发生在东北冷涡西南侧的高空强冷平流与低空暖平流形成的强不稳定层结背景下,超级单体风暴发生、发展在飑线前的暖区中,经过由"热岛效应"和海陆风锋共同形成的低空辐合线时明显加强发展;该风暴呈现出"指"状、"楔"状、弱回波区(WER)等超级单体雷达反射率特征,"指"状回波处出现了中气旋的径向速度特征,具有标志大冰雹的三体散射长钉(TBSS)特征回波,通过三体散射长钉多普勒速度发现了大冰雹的下降区和增长区。分析还表明:东北冷涡西南侧横槽南摆导致中空降温,0℃层和-20℃层高度明显下降,为冰雹的空中增长提供较好的温度环境条件,较低的0℃层也保证冰雹在空中下落中融化较少。双风廓线仪对比观测表明,超级单体发展的低空风场环境中具有较大的垂直风切变和风暴相对螺旋度,中尺度对流系统与环境场的相互作用形成了有利于风暴发展和维持的正反馈机制。飑线前超级单体雷暴与飑线主体关系密切,起到类似"箭"与"弓"的引导作用,飑线主体的一部分进入超级单体所遗留下的"冷"区后明显减弱,东侧入海后也逐渐减弱,其余部分仍在发展加强;最终,强风暴逐渐减弱,超级单体特征也开始消失,飑线与之合并形成新的"人"字型中尺度对流系统,新的"弓"形回波带与原回波带相比移动方向发生右偏,因此,飑前超级单体在飑线主体移动和演变的临近预报中有重要指示意义。  相似文献   
多普勒天气雷达中气旋算法是为探测直径在1.8~9.2km(1~5nmi)的中气旋而设计的。绝大多数强龙卷都属于发生在中气旋内部的超级单体龙卷,但并不是所有的中气旋都能发展成龙卷。文中引入中气旋核的逾量旋转动能(ERKE)概念,结合中气旋算法和速度产品,分析了龙卷和非龙卷中气旋个例维持期间ERKE值的演变特征,并计算了一些超级单体风暴个例的中气旋初始的ERKE及其权重高度值。结果表明,与非龙卷中气旋相比,龙卷中气旋中ERKE的值普遍较大且其权重高度较低;超级单体风暴的初始中气旋ERKE值及其权重高度可以有效地区分中、低对流层中的龙卷和非龙卷中气旋,并可作为龙卷中气旋识别的定量指标。同时在我国平均中气旋气候特征的基础上,还绘制了ERKE图解,可从中气旋旋转速度和旋转半径快速查得对应ERKE值的大小。  相似文献   
2010年福建一次早春强降雹超级单体风暴对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用探空、地面资料以及建阳、龙岩、长乐三部新一代天气雷达资料,对2010年3月5日福建中北部地区5cm强降雹的两个超级单体风暴进行了对比分析。结果表明,干暖盖、强垂直风切变、中高层正涡度区及地面中尺度低压为超级单体的形成提供了良好的环境场。两个超级单体都是由多单体合并后发展起来的,在成熟阶段以右移为主,属长寿命右移风暴:第一个超级单体在发展过程中由于地形作用和新单体的并入经历了3次加强过程,低层出现明显的钩状回波、中高层三体散射特征;第二个超级单体经历了多单体风暴—超级单体风暴—多单体风暴3个阶段,成熟阶段低层呈现出明显的倒"V"形回波特征,中高层有明显向右伸展的云帖。两个超级单体风暴的中气旋都是由中层发展起来,随着中气旋强度不断加强和厚度加大,最强切变中心突降时出现冰雹、大风强对流天气。通过对第一个超级单体中气旋流场分析,发现风暴前、后侧的下沉气流与低层入流形成了明显的辐合旋转作用,下沉的干冷气流进一步推动低层的暖湿入流,形成强烈的上升气流,并在风暴顶形成强辐散,使得风暴长时间维持。第二个超级单体在风暴减弱阶段,风暴右侧出现中气旋分裂,之后减弱、消失。产生强对流天气时,中高层维持高反射率因子,出现三体散射现象、风暴顶强烈辐散以及较大的VIL密度等特征。  相似文献   
豫北一次局地雹暴天气的预警特征和触发机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用常规气象观测、多普勒雷达、卫星资料和区域自动站观测资料及NCEP再分析资料,对2011年6月11日豫北局地强对流天气的预报预警特征和触发机制进行分析。结果表明:局地强对流天气是在东北冷涡背景下产生的,高低层中尺度影响系统(槽、切变线、大风速轴)交汇处右侧是强对流发生潜势区。局地强对流天气发生前,CAPE较大,0-6 km垂直风切变达到中等偏强,有利于超级单体的形成和发展。高空冷平流南侵、低层暖平流北上,有利于大气对流不稳定度进一步加大。中-β尺度强对流云团在东北冷涡槽底后部形成,其发展演变对局地强对流天气预报预警有参考意义。强对流回波经历了细胞状、带状发展期和块状减弱期。回波带南侧形成的超级单体造成了局地强风雹天气,冰雹发生时伴有“三体散射”现象。冷空气和地面辐合线是强对流天气的主要触发机制;地面辐合线对强对流天气还有提示作用。  相似文献   
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